Our Mindset of Collective Impact
The prosperity of our communities -- really, of our planet -- depends on our ability to understand and work with each other toward our shared goals. For ourselves, for our families, for all we serve -- we know that our success relies on organizing ourselves across personal and cultural differences and disagreements.
Community Initiatives for Collective Impact (Ci4Ci) was created for this purpose. To join the views, resources, and assets of diverse people and organizations for the greater common good. Our team includes people with experience, commitment, and drive toward this purpose.
Our mission is to join diverse people, ideas, and resources to address social justice concerns of California's San Joaquin Valley (SJV).
What the People We Serve Have To Say
"Food bridges cultures and communities. Food unites us as humans and provides an opportunity to understand and see how unique we all are but more importantly how similar we all are."
—Community Member
"The refrigerator had some great items! Overall, it was a good experience. No one came and asked me questions, or limit my amount of food. I simply went to the fridge and left back to my car. Super simple !!! They also have food giveaways every Saturday at 1 pm...from milk to eggs and bread."
—Community Member, in regards to our People's Fridge Initiative